A Generation of Filial Heart


Heavenly USA (HUSA) originates from a youth organization called Generation Peace Academy (GPA) founded in 1994 known as “Special Task Force''. GPA guides each participant through an 11-month full-time program focused on helping them build their faith in God, find their purpose and direction before college, and discover their true potential to love their country by living for the sake of others.

Heavenly USA's first activities supported the “Peace Starts With Me” movement (PSWM), which is an initiative by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, affectionately called Mother Moon or the "Mother of Peace,” that brought various religious affiliations together as a call for peace in America. On behalf of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the American Clergy Leadership Conference, rallies were held over three years, 2017-2019, sharing the message that peace is our choice and that we are only limited by the boundaries we create within ourselves. These rallies inspired thousands of people to look within and find the strength to overcome the conflicts in their lives to take personal steps toward the vision of "One Family Under God."

Unification Theological Seminary
Reverend Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon


While outreaching for the PSWM events, Heavenly USA made several contacts and friendships that continued long after these events concluded. We began to fellowship and collaborate with different church denominations and we realized that we were taking steps toward peace through our partnerships with these organizations. One of the organizations we work closely with is called the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), which has a similar vision of uniting clergy to restore the family, community, and renewing the nation and world. 

Some of Heavenly USA's collaborations include music and dance workshops, empowerment workshops, purity education events, service projects, music videos, and music performances.

April 2021: Joshua Holmes at the ACLC Pastor Summit in WS
May 2022: HUSA Dance Performance at the Bay Area ACLC Prayer Breakfast


Not only did we discover that we can bring unity through partnerships, we also discovered the need for a God-centered culture. A comment we get from the ministers we work with is that the youth of our group are so bright and filled with a genuine love for God and each other. This is because GPA and Heavenly USA educate participants about living a life together with God, practicing his words that are reflected through their purity of heart and mind and in their service and love to others. We believe that true love comes from God and we want to spread this culture of love around the world.


Through our activities, we experienced a different kind of ministry blooming. We saw that members have several unique strengths and gifts. We saw that each person found ways to serve through music, art, public speaking, empathic listening, recording our activities through photography, videography and song recording, blogging, designing our website, raising funds for activities, managing our funds, organizing events, and more. Members learn skills of their interest that help them to express the love of God to others in their daily activities. 

The God-centered culture we want to bring to the world is a culture of HYOJEONG. "Hyojeong" is a Korean word coined by Mother Moon, meaning "a heart of filial piety." This describes one's heart that is motivated to bring joy to God and their parents out of gratitude and love. We want it to be mainstream for people to express their love for God through their daily activities. We want to see a world where people treat one another as brothers and sisters under our Heavenly Parent. By practicing purity of love, serving one another, and building partnerships, Heavenly USA is raising a new generation of young leaders who are building the future of a world of peace.


May 2023: UN Peace March